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 on: January 02, 2012, 01:41:08 am 
Started by ellenaelli55 - Last post by ellenaelli55
solar module
solar pv investor

 on: December 31, 2011, 04:15:52 am 
Started by gemakeva - Last post by gemakeva

 on: August 02, 2011, 03:01:01 pm 
Started by YoUnG_MoNeY - Last post by YoUnG_MoNeY

 on: July 22, 2011, 12:08:08 am 
Started by AldysFrances - Last post by AldysFrances
If the high cost of solar equipment has discouraged you from using solar energy there is a low cost alternative to buying solar electric panels. Heating your home's water with a solar hot water system can be a more efficient and more affordable way to use solar energy. Solar electric panels or photovoltaic panels convert sunlight directly into electricity which is great but they can be costly if you buy them retail. Though getting the task done by a professional firm has its advantages.
The Solar hot water act urges people to use solar energy to heat water for their daily energy needs. Solar water heaters can be built with low cost components so they can cost a fraction of what photovoltaic solar panels cost. They can be built to integrate with your traditional water heater system so when the sun isn't shining you will still have hot water. In some locations that get enough sun year round all of a home's hot water needs can be met with a solar hot water system with the proper storage capacity.
The actual cost to build solar water heaters can be much less since they use simple inexpensive components. If you build it on your own, you can get the parts for a fraction of what even a traditional gas or electric water heater would cost.

A growing number of people would love to be able to use solar energy. It's clean, renewable and free once you have the equipment to capture it. But most homes don't use solar because of the high cost of buying the equipment. If you have any interest in going solar then you should learn more about how affordable solar water heaters can be obtained.

 on: May 20, 2011, 08:32:50 am 
Started by YoUnG_MoNeY - Last post by YoUnG_MoNeY
<embed src="http://www.xatech.com/web_gear/chat/chat.swf" quality="high" width="540" height="405" name="chat" FlashVars="id=146666323" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://xat.com/update_flash.shtml" /><br><small><a target="_BLANK" href="http://xat.com/web_gear/?cb">Get your own Chat Box!</a> <a target="_BLANK" href="http://xat.com/web_gear/chat/go_large.php?id=146666323">Go Large!</a></small><br>

 on: April 30, 2011, 11:03:21 pm 
Started by [RB]Simon - Last post by [RB]Simon

 on: April 30, 2011, 02:41:04 pm 
Started by RONALDO123 - Last post by RONALDO123
My Ingame Name:RONALDO123
My Age (Be Honest):15
Date When I joined the server:29/4/2011
My Country and My Time Zone(Most Important):i am living in dubai...time...it depents upon my studies and my parents...but if i get a free time i will be playing..
Usual time of the day when I play on the server:usualy playing time is 9:00 am and sometimes night time also... Smiley
How many hours a day do I play on the server:more than 2hrs...
Languages I Speak:English,malayalam...

)Do I have the capabilities of being an admin? Explain to us how much effort you are willing to put into your admin duties if promoted.if i get promoted..i will be doing my job perfectly...i will not abuse or will not do any bad things.....

2)What makes me unique over the other applicants who are applying ? i will be helping them in the right way..

3)How much commitment am I willing to put on the Rozario brother Community if I am made an admin ?i will take this as a serias task.

4)Do I take orders well ? How much can I be trusted when I'm giving a task to accomplish given a deadline ?if something is given it will be done by the next hour or day...

5)Am I able to manage my time both in Real Life and playing on the Rozario brother Server ? yeah offcource i can....

6)Do you think admins have a bigger advantage over Normal Players? Why ?well the statement is right because admins have more helping comments more than normal playerz.

7)What should I do if I see an admin of a Higher Level abusing his power ? i will be telling him not to do it..if he is repeating it..i will report it

8)Am I up to the standards that is expected out of me after reading the Useful Guide ? If yes , State some qualities that you are able to display when you are made an admin.i will be doind my job succefull thats my way of a go......so pls accept my request and make me in the member of the server administrate...... Smiley

9)You may now write an essay of yourself or whatever it takes to convince us to have you to be part of our Admin Team.

 on: April 29, 2011, 01:35:06 pm 
Started by [IB]RozarioRB - Last post by YoUnG_MoNeY
Create a new topic in [RB]Clan application. thats all

 on: April 29, 2011, 08:55:53 am 
Started by [IB]RozarioRB - Last post by zerrajins
to whom i shd send?

 on: April 29, 2011, 08:46:06 am 
Started by [RB]Simon - Last post by YoUnG_MoNeY
The server is locked now. We will infirm you when the server will be open.

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