« on: April 24, 2011, 11:38:21 pm » |
What You need to Have to apply to [RB] - Played Atleast 1 month on server. - Have played fairly. - Must be active on the server and forums. - Show that you are able to help people.
Subject to use when applying: [Name] RB application [copy from here] Real name: Ingame name: Forum name: (If Admin)Level ingame: Time zone And Location: Age: How Long have you played on the server : Where You heard About this clan: Why you want to join this clan: What you can provide for the clan: Are you in any other clans: Skill ingame: Shooting ?/10: Driving ?/10: Flying ?/10: [to here]
Extra note: *Being in [RB] DOES NOT mean you are better than other players. *If you're Application Is Denied Wait 4 Weeks before applying again else, you application will be automatically Denied. *Respect all mebers in [RB]. *Respect Admins. *Being accepted into [RB] DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE ADMIN. *Do not tell people what to do just because you are in [RB].

Posts: 1
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2011, 08:55:53 am » |
to whom i shd send?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2011, 01:35:06 pm » |
Create a new topic in [RB]Clan application. thats all